This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy. 那只在底部,蓝色的,是幼虫,尚未吞进酸,也尚未食用棕绿色的海藻浮渣到体内提供能源。
The results reveal that both the oxygen consumption rate and nitrogen excretion rate of juvenile P.olivaceus increase significantly ( P < 0.01) as the body weight increases; 结果表明,牙鲆幼鱼的耗氧率和氮排泄率均随体重的增加而增加,其差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);
Objective To study the sensation and attitude of juvenile in adolescence to the body image. 目的:研究青少年对自我形象的感受和态度。
As a result, the juvenile athletes at the same age but with different bone ages had different growth characteristics and their body shapes, body functions and sports ability were obviously different. 研究结果表明,同一年龄不同骨龄的少年运动员有不同的发育类型特征,其身体形态、机能、运动能力存在着明显差异。
Based on the maximum weight gain rate and minimum feed conversion ratio, the suitable feeding rate of juvenile Chinese sturgeon ( 70~ 140 g) should be 2% of body weight/ day under the water temperature of 14 ℃. 根据最大增重率和最小饲料系数这一标准,在水温14℃的条件下,中华鲟幼鲟(体重70~140g)的适宜投喂率应是体重的2%。
The population of Tibetan monkeys was divided into six ageclasses: infant, juvenile, adolescent, young adult, middle-aged and old ( see Table 1) according to fur color, body size and behaviour of individuals. 根据毛色、个体大小和行为等指标,可将其种群划分为6个年龄组,即婴猴组、少年组、青年组、年轻成年组、中年组和老年组。
Studies on insect hormonal regulation& induction and regulation of arginase by juvenile hormone analogue and its effect on the fine structure of the fat body 昆虫激素调节控制的研究&保幼激素类似物对蓖麻蚕精氨酸酶的诱导以及对脂肪体超微结构的影响
Objective To study effects of a combined regime of auricular-plaster and body acupuncture in treatment of juvenile simple obesity. 目的:探讨耳压加体针治疗单纯性肥胖症(Juvenilesimpleobesity,JSO)的临床疗效。
There for, when evaluating the status of physique and health of juvenile students in the future, body shape should be considered together with function, physique and exercise ability. 建议今后对青少年学生评价体质与健康状况时,要采用身体形态与机能、素质、运动能力作综合评价。
Proposed legislation is divided into three parts, the first part is general; second part of the juvenile community correction mechanism and main body; the third part of community correction for juvenile offenders specific measures and management measures. 立法建议分三个部分,第一部分总则;第二部分未成年犯社区矫正机构和工作主体;第三部分未成年犯社区矫正的具体措施和管理办法。